Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Full Speed Ahead

If you've visited this site at all over the last few months you've read much about the importance of strategic planning and about the work done on this front by a select group of CASL faculty, students, and staff. It's time to kick the strategic planning process into high gear and to expand the conversation. For the next ten months, students, staff, faculty, and alumni will have opportunities to participate in the development of a CASL strategic plan that establishes long term goals, launches new initiatives, identifies priorities, maximizes resources, and enables the college to grow and change in ways consistent with its core liberal arts values.

Beginning this month, opportunities to join in conversations on topics important to CASL will be available via multiple communication channels. Are you interested in how to best invest in student success, strengthen our identity, align resources with curricular goals, more effectively organize the college, or build a stronger sense of community?

Your input is needed and valued. By collectively sharing our ideas, our hopes, and our concerns for CASL’s future, we can ensure robust discussions that reflect our diverse perspectives, spur collaboration, and prompt innovative thinking. Working together throughout 2015, we can craft a meaningful and sustainable plan to move CASL forward.

To get the ball rolling and to celebrate the college and its many accomplishments we invite you to:


From March 9th-13th, the CASL ATRIUM will be the place to share ideas and learn more about the college. I am inviting all CASL students, staff, faculty, and alumni to come together to celebrate our diversity and strength, to build community, and to create a new tradition. Among the week's events will be:

-CASL LOGO CONTEST: we want YOU to design a logo for CASL!

-POSTERS DISPLAY & PRIZES: all week there will be posters from each CASL department created by faculty and staff displayed on campus with prizes for the best design!

-SCAVENGER HUNT: How well do you know CASL? Start off the week with a scavenger hunt around campus!

-DINNER & CLOSING RECEPTION: Join the CASL community as we announce the winner of the logo contest!


We hope that you are able to join us. I look forward to seeing you at the Kick Off and to hearing from you over the next few months.