I am incredibly proud to announce that the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters is entering into a partnership with former Congressman John Dingell. The longest serving congressman in U.S. history, Congressman Dingell played a key role in shaping legislation that touches every facet of American life. The former Congressman will be taking up residence on our campus and will be sharing his experience and insight into the legislative process and the operations of our government with UM-Dearborn students and faculty. Beyond his appearances in classroom settings, the former congressman will also work with our students on research projects aimed at documenting his illustrious career and will moderate a speakers series featuring some of the nation’s most important leaders.
That Congressman Dingell chose to partner with CASL and the university should come as no surprise. Dearborn, of course, is his hometown and the city long sat at the center of his congressional district. But even more than that, the congressman shared with me his deep appreciation of what we do and who we are as a university. In particular, he noted the university’s gift for transforming the lives of our students and of helping them to chart a path to success. I know I speak for many on campus when I say that we are humbled by this acknowledgment and by the congressman’s decision to join our community.
This is a proud moment for CASL and for the university. I know that Congressman Dingell will add much to our campus community.